June 29 to July 4, 2025 Riccione
Italy: Festival del sole
We are happy to announced that Flips & Hops will perform on the international stage of Festival del sole next summer 2025.
We would like to invite all kids aged over 6 years old
and their families to join our team.
*Only kids over 10 years with a min membership of 2 years can travel without parents.
You don't have to be registered to Flips & Hops to perform. All kids are welcome! If you are a gymnast, dancer, or just like gymnastics and dance let us know to provide you with more information.
Registrations to join our performing team for the Festival del Sole will be open form 1st of September until the 31st of December.
The TEAM will start extra trainings the following possible days and times:
Tuesday 6:15-7:15
Saturdays 13:00-14:00 or more
Sundays 10:00-12:00 or more
More information are coming soon​​

The Goal
"At the Festival del Sole, there are no age or skill level limits: everyone can participate. And, most importantly, there are no scores, rankings, or judges. The only true winner is the joy of being together and sharing a passion for sport. It’s a place where human connection and the joy of sharing prevail, creating a magical and unforgettable atmosphere".